Who Are We To Decide?

We in this case being the countries of the western world and by this question meaning; who are we to decide how other countries and governments should run their land? How can anyone with good conscience invade a country to force their beliefs upon others? Were the people of that country given the opportunity to voice their opinion about the reason behind the invasion or was it just something one government took upon itself because they felt the people would be better of? If you are wondering if the country in question is Iraq, the answer is yes but they are not the only one. Other countries besides Iraq have been more or less forced by the "Sovereign West" to give up their way of life for a democracy which sent their lives into complete turmoil. Just take a look at Iraq right now, are they much better off than what they were under Saddam's dictatorship? Removing the corrupt government of Iraq was without a doubt the right thing to do but then what? Does the West still have the right to be in there telling these people what to do and what is the best for them. They got help to get rid of the root of the evil in their country but is it not like slapping them in the face not believing that they have the brains to reorganize their country without "baby sitters" telling them what to do? How many more soldiers have to die before the hint is taken. Obviously the West has over stayed their welcome and the people are now rebelling the intrusion. Perhaps they do not want a democracy as we know it and who can blame them? What happened when democracy was forced upon the Soviet Union, did things turn out just perfect and what everybody hoped for? No it did not and the same happened when they brought the Berlin Wall down. The people lost all their sense of security and stability because lets face it many parts of their government worked in ways that for example the United States could only dream and hope for. For those of you in the U.S who have never had the experience of living in another country are probably disagreeing right now because you believe with all your heart that you live in the greatest country in the world but for you who have actually been fortunate enough to experience other countries, (not talking about vacationing here), you know exactly what is being talked about here. Before forcing this democracy upon others perhaps it would be a great idea to perfect this one first. The land of the free and the home of the brave. The actual freedom you believe you have in the U.S can not even come close to the freedom of many other countries. Is it freedom and security having to worry about losing your house if you get sick? It is very brave of all these people to give up the comfort of a home to go and live on the street. You might say they did it to themselves and they chose it but what "normal" person would do this too themselves? Nobody would, so obviously they have some sort of problem which should not be judged by anyone because it could happen to you or your loved ones. Where is the democracy and unity when it comes to helping these people back on track? In most other countries these "horrible" beings are actually considered humans and are given what they need by that country's government regardless if they have money or not. What this comes down to is that before forcing believes down other peoples throat consider the idea of what if someone was doing this to you. Would you welcome it with open arms knowing this belief is not in tune with your way of life? No you would not and you would resist the best you could so how can we blame others for rebelling when it is done to them. Make sure your system works before criticizing others.