SSH Welcome Text

This will display a message to everyone who logs onto your server via ssh.. 1. Login to your server as root via SSH. 2. Type: pico /etc/motd 3. Now type in the message you want everyone to see. Something like this is good. This computer system is for authorized users only. All activity is logged and regulary checked by systems personal. Individuals using this system without authority or in excess of their authority are subject to having all their services revoked. Any illegal services run by user or attempts to take down this server or its services will be reported to local law enforcement, and said user will be punished to the full extent of the law. Anyone using this system consents to these terms. 4. Save & Exit Pico Type: CTRL-X, Y, Enter Now whenever you or anyone logs in to your dedicated server via SSH they will see the message you just set. Original: Web Hosting UK ( ) Webmaster Forums ( ) Web Hosting Affiliate ( )

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