How To Install PICO Editor Using SSH

Here we are going to show you how to Install Pico. So you got your new dedicated server and your favorite editor ( PICO ) is not there? Well we are going to help you install Pico on your dedicated server. PICO is a very simple and easy-to-use text editor offering paragraph justification, cut/paste, and a spelling checker. (Pico is an acronym for PIne COmposer). Please note pico can not be "updated" alone on your server as it is part of PINE. Let's get started and Install Pico. Steps To Install Pico 1. Login to your server via SSH as root. 2. Type: rpm -q pine It should say: package pine is not installed 3. Type: wget -18.i386.rpm 4. Now let's install the rpm we just downloaded. Type: rpm -Uvh pine-4.44-18.i386.rpm Now you are ready to use pico. How To Use Pico

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