How to Publish Your Book

Copyright 2006 John Piper I have now had four books published and this is my story. I had never actually planned to write a book but I had been trading stock markets for many years and in 1998 was approached by the Financial Times Pitman Publishing Company to write a book about my methods. This book went on to be a best seller! In my naivety I thought this was my ticket to writing glory and I thought I would have no problem when it came to my next book. How wrong I was. It was the same turgid round of letters to agents and publishers followed by a rash of rejection slips - how the mighty are fallen!! This is when I realised an important truth. There are two solid reasons why it is much better to self-publish: 1.The chances of finding an agent or a publisher are slim. Unless you are a Z class celebrity in which case you should have no problem! 2.More importantly you make more money when you self-publish. Here are the three stages I went through: 1.My book was commissioned by established publishers and they sold 5000 copies - I got