Decision Making Processes - Doing the Best You Can

Ever been frustrated by someone who made a decision that seemed to be the wrong decision? Of course you have - we all have. Have you ever made a decision that was deemed to be the 'wrong' decision? You got it - we've all done this. Did you make that wrong decision intentionally; wilfully; on purpose? Of course not. In fact, if you're anything like me, maybe you wrangled over which way to go. Exactly which was the best decision. Perhaps not for you, but perhaps for the circumstances that you found yourself in (maybe the wrong reason, but hey, who's for a peaceful life - there is a whole other thing here about going with your heart etc., but that's for another piece). You made a considered decision, for the best reasons and, frankly you did your best, didn't you? And maybe you still were deemed to get it 'wrong'. Maybe you got yourself chewed off too. I wonder how you felt when after all your deliberations and doing your best - you still got it wrong. Pretty frustrated eh? Let's swing it around 180o. If one of the people you manage makes, in your eyes anyhow, a 'wrong' decision, how will you handle that? This is important, because it is fundamental in how you build relationships with every one of your people. The way you respond to their 'best effort', a decision they have made to the best of their ability, in that moment, their very best effort, is crucial to what you get from that person. If it is a pattern, it is vital to the whole relationship with everyone in your team (and if it happens with one, it is probably a pattern!). Thinking about how you handle 'incorrect' decisions in your people is worth time and consideration - careful consideration. Getting it right hugely accelerates the trust they place in you. Performance results from motivated and on-side people, people who trust you - even when their best efforts didn't quite go to plan - of course, your plan.