How to Enjoy Your Favorite Food Without Gaining Extra Pounds

Every day we hear a lot about nutrition, dieting and healthy living, and see pictures of lucky people who have managed to loose a dozen pounds and now smile to us from the cover of a glossy magazine. However, the question is how do you eat your favorite food and not gain extra pounds?

Adhere to the following tips and you will have an admirable waistline.

First of all, use small plates. You cannot put much food on a small plate so you will not overeat.

Secondly, make pauses between bites. Your brain needs some time to realize that you are full.

Thirdly, it all comes down to will power. Do not allow yourself to overeat. No matter how strong your desire to get one more serving may be, do your best to overcome the temptation. You will be glad you did!

Fourthly, keep moving! Use every opportunity to walk. If your workplace is not far from your house, do not take a bus or get off the bus one stop earlier and walk the rest of your way.

Fifthly, set small goals. Do not try to lose a dozen pounds in one week; be realistic. Each time you reach your small goal, you will be motivated. After all, Rome was not built in one day.

This article is courtesy of Actabit Weight Loss Journal and may be freely used with proper credits.