Weight Loss Diary Day 4

This the third day of dieting in my weight loss program and it will be the last daily report in this series of articles to avoid you becoming bored with repetition. By now you will have the idea that I only give up one type of food each day and in general eat what I please - within reason. The caveat is that you must be aware of serving sizes because it is due to over-generous serving sizes that the majority of us are dieting. In future I will publish three articles each week rather than seven. If you have a question you wish to ask please use the comments link at the bottom to list your question and I will reply to all questions. Today I will not eat any potatoes or potato products. Because I exercised yesterday I will not exercise today but will remain aware of things like parking as far from the supermarket entrance as possible and using stairs rather than escalators. - This now a part of my daily routine.