Irresistible Conversational Gems for Men When Meeting Single Women

Before rushing out to meet new, single women seeking a relationship, make an inventory of things that are important to you, and topics you like to talk about. Put these in your bag of tricks. * What is the vision for your future? * What are you most passionate about? * What are the important changes in your life? * What do you enjoy doing? * Who are the important figures in your life? * What future plans are you most excited about? * What do you fret or worries about? * What are the events that may have change your life? * What's are your views on the current world affairs? Your answers to these questions will let her know and understand how you relate to the world around you. Be specific and definite on your answers, communicate your enthusiasm, make your feelings and values known. The Down-side for Shy Men Nothing beats doing your homework; prepare topics to talk about ahead of time if you find it difficult to talk to single women. Here are some recommendations for conversational starting points: * Stock up on sizzling, inoffensive jokes. Be sure to deliver the punch line correctly. * Practice telling stories of 3 or 4 attention-grabbing or exciting events that you recently experienced on family or friends, in front of a mirror or a tape recorder. * Be prepared to talk about news of interests. * Watch up-to-date movies and read some of the latest bestsellers. Eventually, you will come across single women who have seen the same movies or read the same books - establishing a common ground on which to stand on!