The world belongs to you!

The world belongs to you How many people in the world never amount to anything, because they are afraid of what others think,or say; they simply cannot bear the thought of criticism. Here is a simple truth People who are wondering what others will think, never get anywhere. Make up your mind that the world belongs to you just as it does for anyone else. Eliminate the idea or thought that the world only belongs to the great and grand. The world truly belongs to those who can TAKE IT, who can use it. It belongs to the brave, the daring, the one who REFUSES to be denied, not to the coward or the critic( they never name buildings after critics) or those that slink out of sight and hide in some corner because they are afraid somebody will see them or criticize them. Today, a great many people seem to think that it is a great privilege for them to be allowed to make a living, or to get a little corner of the world to stand on; they assume that it really belongs to the rich and powerful. If you hold to this thought or idea , you never will get anywhere. As long as you think the world belongs to someone else, it will. As long as you think you could never invest in real estate without creedit checks and $1-10 down You won't. But when you make one simple decision that it is part of your birthright, that success , happiness and prosperity belong to you just as much as they do to anyone else, that it is your birthright... Then and only then will you begin to accomplish your dreams, Truly caring for your success! TC and Vickie Bradley