Becoming more evident is the fact that our society is in a transition form the industrial to the information age. Downsizing, pay and pension cuts are becoming common headlines. It is becoming clear that one cannot count any employer to provide the kind of retirement that we all dream of. How then do we provide ourselves with a monetary cushion to create the future of our dreams? The answer, by creating assets with info products online! Why info products? * Create a product once and resell it over and over * Physical presence not required * A virtual salesperson will do the "work" for you You may not know it, but chances are that you have in-demand information inside your head right now. Are you the go to guy or gal for specific topics in your family or circle of friends? Do you have a hobby? Have you ever done anything that others have asked "Wow, how did you do that?" Potentially any specific information that you have can create an endless stream of income. You can create assets with info products on the internet. All your have to do is make a start. Create a product today and enjoy the rewards for the rest of your life. Yours in Success, John Welch For more information and a free course, Visit And prepare for the future of your dreams.