Home based Business / Detox your Home

The Consumer Product Safety Commission reported that 150 common household chemicals have been linked to allergies, birth defects, cancer and psychological abnormalities. Many doctors and scientists attribute the rise in children's asthma rate to the cleaning products we use every day ~ increasing over 74% in the last 15 years. Clinical studies have shown health conditions such as ADD/ADHD, Eczema, Asthma and Auto-immune Disorders can be significantly improved or eliminated by removing toxins from your home and choosing to use safer alternatives. Get the facts about dangers of household products If you agree that Cleaning and Personal Care Products should promote hygiene, health and beauty ...not make us sick, then call today for FREE information on safe, effective, affordable alternatives. HAVE A SEPTIC BED USE ENVIRONMENTALLY SAFE PRODUCTS To Request More Information, Please Contact: HEALTH AND WELLNESS mesch1000@hotmail.com