A Guide to Debt Consolidation

Though not an ideal solution, debt consolidation can provide some immediate relief from high-interest loans and debts. The idea of debt consolidation is that you take out a loan to cover all of your debts and pay them off, leaving you with one simple monthly payment. This can take the headache out of managing your finances but you need to consider debt consolidation loans carefully, and consult debt consolidation professionals when necessary. You may find that debt consolidation only offers temporary relief and that you may be left in a worse position that you were originally if you do not keep up repayments. The first stage in assessing whether you will benefit from debt consolidation is to list all of your debts and ensure that you include credit cards, mortgages, car loans and other personal debts. You then need to write down the balance, interest rate and monthly payment for each debt and determine how much you will pay for each debt at the completion of the loan. This is usually the amount that you have to pay the lender to clear the loan and your debt consolidation needs to allow for this maximum. Some lenders have penalties for early repayment which you also need to investigate. You may need to consult a financial adviser to ensure that you have your calculations done correctly before you formally apply for a debt consolidation loan. One option for a debt consolidation loan is a second mortgage. This will give you some immediate debt relief, but loan fees will be added on so it is important to select a reputable company with reasonable rates. Before choosing this method if debt consolidation you need to be aware of how much equity will be left in your home. Transferring credit card balances to one card is another form of debt consolidation. Obviously you have to check the maximums on your cards, and choose one with a low APR but make sure the APR is not higher for balance transfers. A lot of credit cards offer 0% for balance transfers over a fixed period of time which may seem the ideal form of debt consolidation to use but you need to remember that any balance left of your transfers after this period will be subject to the normal balance transfer interest rates and these could be high. If you don't think you can manage to clear the outstanding balances that you have transferred within the period of 0% interest then this form of debt consolidation is probably not the best for you. You need to find a debt consolidation loan that is going to have repayments that you can safely cover. More Guides to Debt Consolidation