Be a Star with Free Publicity

What makes your product or service unique? No, it's not price. And you need to think again if it's quality. It's really YOU. And that's exactly what the media look for. Think about it for a moment. Reporters don't really cover stories about products or services; they write about the people behind the product or service, or the experts. That's just one of the reasons why you need to position yourself as the authority in your field. After all, people want to do business with someone they trust. And who better than an expert? Experts are sought after, get more business with less effort, and command higher fees. They also possess credibility that makes selling themselves easier. Follow these tips to become the recognized expert: 1. Find your expertise - and use it in all your marketing. Think of topics that relate to what you do. If you manufacture organic pillows, you can be the 'healthy sleep expert.' If you are a virtual assistant, start calling yourself the 'efficiency guru.' Then once you find a title that fits, use it all the time - on business cards, your website, postcards, etc. 2. Write articles. There's no better way to get know as an expert than to write and publish articles about your expertise. Think of at least twelve topics, do the research and get writing. Most articles are no more than 500 words. Use lists and bullets to help keep it short. And don't forget to include a resource box. 3. Be available to the media to comment on your topic of expertise. Let reporters covering your beat know you are an expert and available to comment on your field. Also, jump on a breaking story that involves your expertise. For example, if you're a gardener and there's a story about a massive amount of rainfall, pitch a story about how to keep your garden from drowning. 4. Speak on your topic. Come up with a great presentation that gives useful tips and find local places to offer to speak for free. A matchmaker could talk about how to find true love. Once you get several of these under your belt, start looking for regional and national venues to speak. 5. Blog. Blogging is a great way to comment on your expertise while rising the ranks of the Internet. Look for news stories that relate to your topic; then offer your opinion about the story on your blog.