The Inner Path to Weight Loss Part 1

The Inner Path to Weight Loss Part 1 There are an endless number of diets, exercise programs, and weight loss products designed to help you lose weight. In fact, a whole multi-billion dollar industry has been created just to get people thin. But the sad truth is that we as a society are getting fatter every year. An inquiring mind would have to ask why is this happening ? With all the different weight loss products, and drugs how can it be that we can't seem to get control over our ever expanding mid-sections ? The answer could be that we are focused on the wrong thing. Looking towards external solutions in an effort to fix an internal problem could be our key flaw in our failure. Maybe it's our emotions and how we feel about ourselves, our relationships, and our lives that strongly influences our behaviors. Analyze your own relationship to food. If you're like most people you have food triggers associated with negative emotions. Do you eat when you are stressed, sad, angry or when you feel overwhelmed ? What are your food triggers ? I bet that when you are doing something that makes you feel very joyful, or happy you don't experience any food cravings. It's the negative thoughts, feeling and emotions that we need to address in order for us to lose weight. Your emotional state is the control valve that determines what you draw into your experience. Your internal thoughts create your beliefs and program your subconscious. The Mirror Process: Each and every time you pass a mirror look at yourself, then look deeply into your eyes and say to yourself "I love you and I love my body". This will feel strange as you begin to do this but in a short amount of time this will feel more natural and you will begin to realize that this is true. The first several times you do this negative feelings and emotions will race out of your like a freight train roaring out of a darkened tunnel. These negative thoughts and emotions are contributing to your weight issues. The first time I did this exercise I looked myself in the eyes and said to myself "I love you and I love my body". I immediately had a flood of thoughts, and self judgments as to why I was wrong. "I don't love myself, just look at all the mistakes I have made in my life" "And just look at me I'm fat and out of shape, I don't love my body" For a couple of moments I allowed these negative aspects to bubble to the surface and I documented them in a journal. Knowing your underlying negative thought patterns is very important because now you know what emotional healing you need. Once I documented them I sat myself down and I used 2 processes to neutralize those negative thoughts and emotions. The first process I use is the "Yeah But" process and the second is the EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) process. The EFT process is a powerful tool for eliminating deep emotional pain. I will be covering the EFT process in upcoming part 2 of this article. The "Yeah But" process is very simple to do. Each negative thought or emotion that you identify simply suffix it with "yeah but" then state a positive belief you have about yourself. For example, you look in the mirror and say to yourself "I love you" and the first thought that pops into your head is that you're a bad mother because you just yelled at your child. You suffix that though with "Yeah but, I really love and am supportive of my kids and they love me even if I make some mistakes". As you do the "Yeah But" process you can feel an emotional shift occur and you begin to feel better. Over a short period of time those positive emotional shifts begin to have a compounding effect on your emotional state. You will begin to feel happier and better about yourself. You will also begin to notice that when you look in the mirror and say "I love you" you will start having supporting thoughts as to why you are loveable or why you really do love your body. This is a pivotal point in your emotional healing. >From this point forward each day you will feel more positive and because you have internalized the belief that you love yourself and you love your body you will begin to act in way that support your new beliefs. You will begin doing things without much thought that support your health and weight loss goals. If you choose to start a diet you will find that you will not have to deal with the usual feelings of struggling to stay on the diet or the self-sabotage that usually wipes out any weight loss. If you choose not to diet you will find that the pounds will easily begin to disappear as you naturally make better food choices because you want to support the body and person you love. This transformation usually takes no more than 1 month to complete if you faithfully do the Mirror and "Yeah But" processes. Look forward to Part 2 of "The Inner Path to Weight Loss" where we will cover the use of EFT... Go To to sign up for a weight loss free newsletter.