Colloidal Silver, a explanation on what it is .. exactly.

Colloidal Silver is a suspension of submicroscopic metallic silver particles in water. The silver particles are so small that they cannot be seen with the naked eye, and are suspended and dispersed evenly throughout the water. The highest quality Colloidal Silver is produced by the electro-colloidal method. In this process, the swiss silver particles and water have dispersed and are held in suspension by an electrical current (colloidal means: suspended). Colloidal is a term describing a substance containing particles so small they remain suspended in liquid or gas. In this case, silver is suspended in pure steam-distilled water. Colloidal particles, unlike dissolved particles in a suspension, stay in solution and retain their whole form and qualities. Silver atoms are small enough to pass through mucous membranes in the mouth and intestinal lining. Colloidal silver is the result of an electromagnetic process that pulls microscopic particles from silver into a liquid, such as distilled water. As tiny particles, the silver can more easily penetrate and travel throughout the body. These tiny particles vary in size, depending on the manufacturing process utilized. The larger the particles, the more difficult for them to be absorbed by the body. The color of colloidal silver is also affected by the size of the particles. In most instances, it can range from clear (very small particles) to very dark brown or even black (large particles). The smallest particle size is an atom. This colloidal silver is called "monatomic" and produces a solution that is CRYSTAL CLEAR. The "monatomic" colloidal silver will stay in solution, and it is NOT sensitive to light or temperature. In other words, it needs no special handling, and has no expiration date.