7 Reasons To Become Vegetarian/Vegan

1. With businesses trying to get more money from their meat, livestock is pumped full of steroids, growth hormones, water, antibiotics and more. This stays in their flesh, so when you eat it, guess what? It'll accumulate in your body. Most people don't like taking their own medicine much less their food's!!! 2. Scientific studies have suggested that mortality rates from cancer and coronary heart disease are lower in those who avoid meat. 3. Vegetarian diets (and in particular vegan diets) are also higher in fibre, so there is no additional fibre needed to digest them, unlike meat which has virtually no fibre, therefore giving your body the job of finding fibre to digest it. Digesting food that doesn't have it's own supply of water and fibre can put a strain on the body over time, leading to constipation or irritable bowel syndrome. 4. When the body breaks down protein, the liver produces a substance called uric acid which is then excreted from the body from the kidneys and urine. When there is an excess from excess meat consumption, uric acid remains in the blood as the kidneys can't handle it, crystallises and deposits in the joints leading to kidney problems, arthritis and osteoporosis. 5. Meat is high is saturated fats which can clog the arteries leading to heart problems and obesity, raised cholesterol levels and other diseases. 6. Ecologically, meat eaters are definitely not environmentally friendly. Put simply, there are millions of starving people in the world. The land cleared to house livestock could be used to grow enough food to feed the starving masses. Also the grain etc used to feed the livestock could also amply feed the masses. Not to mention the fact that the clearing of rain forests and woodland to accommodate the livestock is drastically contributing to global warming by disturbing the ecology of the planet, increasing carbon levels, loss of topsoil and even species extinction. 7. The human body has been shown not to be designed to eat meat, our digestive tracts are that of herbivores as are our teeth, our body is designed to eat fruit, vegetables and the herb of the ground, not meat.