Home Improvement - Leaks, Moisture, Interior Designing

Fill in those cracks and holes before deterioration sets in and your equity on the home drops. To get you started we are going to go over the steps for stopping leaks by filling in cracks in the walls and/or holes. First, you will need to purchase a bit of "gray-tinted latex masonry caulk." You could also use waterproof masonry sealer to protect the walls. You will need tools to get the job done, since I am sure you do not want to use your fingers. The tools needed will include hand vacuum to clean up your mess once you are done and throughout the process. You will need chisels, caulk guns, wired brush, trowel and/or a knife will cut it, and that about sums it up. You may need a piece of "fiberglass insulation" to fill in any holes that are deeper than an inch. You can tuck-point smaller holes in the mortar joints of the walls providing the walls are brick, stone or concrete. Clean the area for filling with the wired brush and utilize your hand vacuum to remove any particles from the area. You will need 'latex bonding liquids" to coat the edge of the holes in the wall before filling in the cracks or holes. You will also need "concrete patcher" since after you apply the bonding liquid you will need this to fill in the holes in the wall. Using either the trowel or knife, you will need to smooth out the concrete patcher for a natural effect. Repairing your home will increase the equity value. Thus when you take the time to repair or improve your home, you are preserving the equity or increasing the equity which makes all the difference in the world when you consider selling your home, or applying for additional loans against the equity of the home. If you need to install gutters or drains, the process is also simple. You will need one half inch masonry bits and drill, hacksaw, metal scraper, and a caulk gun to get started. As far as materials, for gutter or drain repairs you will need butt joint connectors, adhesive, corner connectors, baseboard gutter section, and one half inch blocks of wood? Once you have the materials and tools together pull out those working hands and start the process of repairing your home. If the area for repair is in the basement of the home, you will need the gutter and drains to repair the problem. It is important to achieve a perimeter of the area for guttering and draining. Thus, leaving openings around the drains is essential for the best effects. Using the drill, you will need to relieve the any hydrostatic pressures from the wall. It is important to keep the drill holes at least one foot apart. Remove any old paint, stains, or other particulars from the area before continue work. You can use the scrapers to get the cleaning done. When preparing gutters use the walls to find the length, since using the actual area for fitting is best over rulers or gauges. When you make purchases of materials and tools are sure to read all the instructions, giving to you by the manufacturer to learn additional steps in putting up gutters and drains in the home. Make sure to apply the adhesive at the baseline of the gutters before installing. When applying the gutters make sure they fit against the wall and keep the gutters one quarter of an inch away from the base. At the corners of the gutter, apply additional adhesive for firm sticking. Finally, you will need to install the butt joint connectors before putting up the corner gutters. Put adhesive at the area of the gutters that go in the corner, especially around the corner areas. Finally, you will install the drains. Again following the instructions provided to you by the manufacturer for the best job. Fixing leaks, drains and gutters is relatively easy work. The hardest part of any improvement or repair in homes is cleaning the areas, and sometimes dealing with fixtures or other problem areas.