What You See Is What you Get

I know you are wondering why you have not received a note from me lately, well the reason I have been unable to spend the time at the keyboard crafting a newsletter is I have been in class. Yup, that is right I have been attending class at the "School of Life". Allow me to explain; You know when we first moved to the desert a couple of years ago, I must confess that I had a bit of a heavy heart. All of our family, our friends, our teammates and classmates everything we ever really knew, cherished or loved was in Chicagoland, and here we were moving across the country with only a dream, a promise and a truck load of self-confidence. Truth be told I did not even like the desert. (I had been coming to Arizona for years on business and found it way to hot dry and dusty.) I do however know that if I want to have change in my life, I am the one responsible for my future, so it is me that is going to have to make something happen; ergo, (if you wonder what "ergo" means, you have not been listening tomy "Wake Up Call to Success.) we made the move and here we are. Ahh, I digress, the story of how and why we got here and how it has turned out is quite a doozy and best saved for another day. My point of even bringing this up is this; when we first arrived here in the desert, an acquantince informed me that we would probably see as much or more of the family as the "Valley of the Sun" is a favorite destination of most snowbirds form the north. Boy was he ever correct in that assesment. We have had a constant flow of family and friends at our house, especially during the winter and as you guessed it, this past week. So, here is what I have been reminded of in class at the School of Life this past week. You will never out-perform your self image. One of our house guests was at first intimadated, than he was impressed and after a week he was eager to ramp up his own efforts and acquire the lifestyle heexperienced while on his vacation at our home in Scottsdale. The transformation he experienced was result of the time we spent discussing 'self image'. I am a person of humble blue collar genetics. My father, who is now deceased was a first generation American of Polish decent. My mother (Hi Mom, HappyValentine's Day), is what she refers to as a "Heinz" 52 Varities". We grew up on the southside of Chicago in a 2 bedroom 2 flat with one tiny bathroom for 5 people. I shared a postage stamp sized bedroom with my 2 brothers. The room was so small we had to remove the door so we could fit the bunk beds in there. (Not much privacy in that house!) It was a nice place to grow up. The nicest thing about it is that a very early age, I remember my father encouraging me, pushing me to not settle for his lifestyle. I can still hear him telling me to earn a living with my mind rather than with my back. My mom always has encouraged me to think, to stretch and to take risk. She is still a ravenous reader and is still implanting new concepts in my noodle and encouraging me to strive and acheive. My point? My point is that my self image has been defined not by my physical reality. It has been defined by the people I trust, the people I listen to and the things i put in my brain. I could have accepted the environment I in was as my destiny. I could have been that guy named Joe who is still in the old neighborhood living in a tiny 2 flat drinking beer watching TV and complaining about how lucky the wealthy are. But no. Thanks to my parents I was taught that I can have more, and with the coaching of my Mom I realize that the degree of your results are only measured by the goodwill in your heart. (I am getting on a roll here and changing topics. Sort of. Sorry.) I know that the results you are experiencing are a direct result of your own self-image. Do you really see yourself wealthy, healthy, successful or accomplished? The reason I ask is because what you see is what you get. Check your self-image. You will never out perform your self image, but you can certainly change your self-image. How do I do that you ask? Join me live 12 Noon EST every Monday Wednesday and Friday at 617-588-6562 and we will get into some of the simple things you can do right now to change your self-image and grow your business. See you on the Call, Joe Neid http://www.joeneid.com