Personal Injury - 12 NEW Methods!

Advertisements just drive you crazy... one company says one thing and other one down the road saying another, but both effectively are trying to say the same thing. For an injured person, it gets confusing. Who to trust and turn to?

In hospitals, there will be organised and 'posh' literature on display by solicitor firms who have an exclusive 'contract' display for injured people organised with the hospital.

Fair enough, they have an exclusive stand, where over 80% of the injured people attend a hospital, which gives them a good exposure to marketing their services. It's plain simple advertising and other competitors can't do anything about it, even if they present a much better service.

Well it's never all that simple. People want plain and simple English in black and white, without the hassle, costs and other risks. Being able to understand what services a firm offers without the technical jargon. Anyway I could write a book on such a topic to separate what a solicitor is really 'trying' to say.

Personal injury has reached a new era, where the previous culture of large companies, not mentioning any names and many of the likes have finally sunk their luxury ships. If only they explained the technical jargon in black and white, they would have still been in business. Still would be getting enormous amount of personal injury claims. Their budget for advertising and marketing was phenomenal and they could have been around for centuries if they had actually helped people with their compensation, rather than their own pockets.

Anyway, the industry is shocked by their performance and people are still in 2 minds for making a claim for personal injury. So let's clear it with the new era.

So What Are The NEW Methods?