What Inspires Me as a Writer

Truthfully, I have not read many books, so I can not say they are my main source of inspiration. But there is one book that has probably influenced me the most, and that book is The Hobbit. Many might not understand the importance, or rather misunderstand. I can not explain this book in the slightest. It is well worth the read, I assure you that. Most people think that the beauty of it is that it shows how even the smallest of mans can be a great hero, but I see it deeper. To me The Hobbit shows such a deep love of life that shall never be known. There is creativity in every passage, wonder in every sentence, and beauty in every word. The imagery, the feeling, the meanings, and the plot are forever intertwined as an endless tale of life, death, and mortality. Fantasy, in my opinion, is more than the power of the imagination creating endless thoughts, but rather of a mind that understands life and the world so great that it can spread its beliefs into new worlds, new creatures, new beliefs. It's like the releasing of beauty from one realm to another while not losing a drop of purity. When an author creates a new world, it is not only about escaping the world they live in, but rather spreading that world into new canvases of emptiness and void. It's not just a creation of something new, but a rebirth of something old. All this inspiration and all that I have learned is poured into my artwork and writing. It is my channel of release. I want to paint everything I see, draw everything I know, and write about everything I feel. I want to live everything I can see, taste, feel, and hear. I don't want to watch life, I want to be it. I want to live in the arts, be painted in shades of truth, drawn in lines of passion, and sculpted with clay of innocence. My art is my passion, my expression, and my knowledge. It is how my feelings, thoughts, and memories are recorded. It is more than an outlet, an escape; it is a calling, a release, a guide in life. Whether with words or design, my art is as much as a part of me as I am a part of my art. My first passion in art was drawing. When I was little I would draw anything and everything. Of course it moved on to shading, and then painting, and now other medias. I really enjoy photography now. Art isn't a hobby to me. A hobby is something you do to kill time. Art, to me, is something I do to make time. It's a recording of moments and passages in my life. A few years back, maybe five or so, I took up poetry. It started off as just an experiment at first. Simple words rhyming as jokes in poems. But then I developed a skill of word use, of expression through imagery, of putting feeling and thought into phrases. It came from my love of music and lyrics, and developed into my collection of poetry as in my portfolio. My poetry is different, though. I don't think many understand the meaning in my poems. I cover them up with fancy words, sweet sounds, and flowing phrases. And even if they do, they can't feel what I can feel. They can't understand its truth. So is the pain of being the writer, as many of you readers know. I suppose I could mention love as one of my inspirations, though quite an odd one indeed. Love is a beautiful, powerful, and haunting thing. It can seal, heal, and break hearts. It can lift, lower, and bury spirits. Even so, I do not know well of it. I know the love of my friends, the love of my family, and the love of life, but I am still lacking the romantic love. I have no girlfriend or wife, but maybe someday. I suppose it's this wanting to be complete, to feel that I deserve someone and someone deserves me that makes it an inspiration in my writing and artwork. There isn't much to say about love as an inspiration. You can't describe it to someone who doesn't know it, and to those who know it they don't need it described. It isn't really like another feeling, like being sad or happy or mad or scared. Love is a feeling of its own, set away from others. It can't just disappear, or be overcome by another feeling. It is just something you know when you find it. To me, nature is the most beautiful thing in the world and my greatest inspiration. It outshines all my other inspirations. It is also the only thing that a soul can rely on. It is constant and everlasting, changing and forming, spreading and growing, touching and reaching across boundaries of life. Not many people have a love for nature anymore; I do. It's my life, my greatest inspiration, my greatest knowledge, my closest friend, my healing source, and my creator. There is beauty in every creation of nature. They all possess such purity of life, such untouched desires and cores. They aren't tainted with knowledge, with passion, with thoughts and feelings. They are simple forming with time. They are complex still, but they aren't overflowing with it. They don't worship themselves, but rather life. They know not of corruption they only know life. Unfortunately, the truth is that nature creates mankind and mankind destroys it. A sad thought it is indeed. Nature is fuel, a source of life. It isn't just for admiring, but it is also for honoring. We can honor some great God, fellow mortals as actors and athletes, as lovers and family, as friends and companions, but we can't honor Nature? Even sadder if you ask me.