"How's Your Team Building Spirit?"

A hidden element of effective Teambuilding, and seldom discussed, is the mood, or the environment, that exists within the team. A positive and productive atmosphere doesn't just happen, it requires conscious work. The following quiz will help you understand and improve the Team Building atmosphere that exists within your organization. Instructions: Answer the following questions of the Team Building quiz without looking at the answers. After you've totaled your scores, you will have a better insight to your team building Spirit. 1. Describe the level of communication between team members: A. Everybody gives their well-thought-out views clearly, others listen, and strive to understand what is being said-we talk together B. Only some members listen while everybody gives their views. C. Some team members listen and speak up but others do not. D. Quite a few members don't listen to others and withhold their thoughts. E. We do not listen to each other and members are afraid to speak up. 2. Which of the following statements best describes the level of risk taking, imagination, initiative, the members of your team will take? A. We shoot the messenger. B. Risk is a necessary evil, so we try anything. C. If it's not broke don't fix it D. Some seem more comfortable with risk taking and change than other team members. E. We are conservative, proceeding carefully. 3. Your team gathers each month to discuss progress and problems in reaching individual and departmental objectives. Describe the meeting: A. We are open with each other and we realistically share our progress and problems that we have encountered. B. A few team members seem to be so concerned about the impact of their sharing that they try to build allies to support their views. C. We have team members who seem to be play politics, while others do not D. One group exists within our team that continuously reports the same politically correct presentation. E. Political maneuvering, deception, and infighting and polarizing are the name of the game in this team 4. The team leader makes impassioned plea to improve the level of the group cooperation. As the discussion develops you note: A. Members are pulling in opposite directions, competing with others, and looking out only for themselves or departments. B. The majority of your fellow team members are in favor of Teamwork. C. The members are split. Half see no value in working together, the other half is in favor of team building. D. All the members really seem concerned with helping each other, and working as a team. 5. Your team will be meeting to begin your organization's annual planning, budgeting, and strategy for the next quarter. During the critique period: A. No one will want to "rock the boat", the entire team will restrains their remarks; B. Most of the team members will filter their critical remarks and restrain from speaking. C. About half of the team will be unrestrained and the other half restrained. D. Most of your team members are unrestrained in their analysis and critique. E. Conflicts and differences aid to problem solving so we are openly discuss all issues. 6. Ellen, a senior member of the team, and Chen, a junior member of the team, are on opposite sides of an important issue. Both of positions have merit. You notice that as Ellen and Chen present their arguments: A. Team members seem to be harsher in their criticisms of Chen's arguments. B. Members value differences and are objectively listening to both arguments. C. Most of the team favors Ellen's ideas slightly over Chen's. D. The team doesn't pay attention to either view because they are too far apart. E. We only listen to Ellen's views and discount or ignore Chen's viewpoints. 7. The leader of your team has asked each individual to express his/her views on a very controversial and emotionally charged issue the team must decide how to handle. Your first thought is: A. We value each other's opinions; I can express my true feelings without fear of reprisal. B. A person would be a fool to be himself in this team-don't be vulnerable C. How open you can be depends on the people around you and/or the issue at the time. D. It is best not to let others know your true feelings or let your self show E. It is safe to express your true feelings in most cases. 8. All the supervisors in your department meet annually to discuss those who have promotional potential and to rank employees for salary treatment. You describe the discussion as: A. A supportive atmosphere where team members openly express their viewpoints and are listened to B. The atmosphere and discussion is more supportive than not C. Team members are about average in the level of supportiveness they exhibit toward one another, D. The team could improve their listening skills. The willingness to express opinions, venture new or different ideas is inhibited. E. Full of criticism, placing blame, belittling and withholding information. 9. A team member has asked to have time on your meeting's agenda to seek the help from other team members in completing his/her assignment. During the ensuing discussion you feel that: A. Every member is hiding his/her real motives and feelings. B. Most members of the team hide their own goals, expectations, and needs. C. Some team members are posturing to advance their hidden agendas D. The majority of the team members are honest about their needs and expectations E. All team members are open about their feeling and real motives; we feel free to communicate honestly. 10. Your manager has asked every member of your team to do an independently study and submit a detailed plan for implementing a total Employee Involvement/Quality program in their area of responsibility. Subsequent conversations with other team members, the feeling is: A. Because you can count of the manager to keep the best interest of both the team and individual as a top importance, the request is easy to fulfill. B. You have wait and see if in this case this is the best policy. C. The manager can be trusted in the majority of cases, only on a few occasions do you have to question his/her motives. D. The manager is not to be trusted, everything he or shed does has a hidden agenda behind it. E. Team members are suspicious but will reluctantly cooperate with the manager's request ANSWERS Question 1 A=10, B=8, C=6, D=4, E=2 Open two-way communication sums up a positive team atmosphere. Everyone feel comfortable sharing feelings with others because they know their positions are important; their thoughts heard, and feelings considered. Question 2 A=4, B=10, C=2, D=8, E=6 Team members are free to take reasonable risks and to experiment with ideas. There are no failures only opportunities of growth and learning. A self-managing team does not place blame, but has a norm of individual responsibility and initiative. Team members understand that good "followership" means accepting responsibility. They take the initiative to influence other team members and the team's direction. Question 3 A=10, B=8, C=6, D=4, E=2 When trust is lacking, members protect themselves from other team members through political maneuvering and partisanship. Deception and infighting, not cooperation and honest communication, are the acceptable behaviors. Question 4 A=2, B=4, C=6, D=8, E=10 The team has a "we-ness" attitude. They work for a common and understood goal. They are willing to subordinate "I" need for the "we". They think in terms of team gains and do not exhibit competition between team members. Question 5 A=2, B=4, C=6, D=8, E=10 Differences of opinions and conflicts are suppressed. Those who withhold information will hide behind, "If you can't say anything constructive, don't say anything at all" attitude. Contrast this to a positive team atmosphere where conflicts and differences are openly discussed. The team will not seek a winner or looser but to use conflict to benefit the communication and problem solving process in the team. Effective teams will use to their advantage and will not shy away from conflict. Question 6 A=6, B=10, C=8, D=2, E=4 The team members feel that they are valuable to the team. As a result, they do not have to compete for air time. An attitude that everyone's opinions and views need to be seriously considered exists. Everyone, including those who are not the top performer are given time to express their views and the opportunity to influence the team. Question 7 A=10, B=2, C=6, D= 4, E=8 Team members will put up a fa