Wedding Rehearsal and Dinner

Current info about weddings is not always the easiest thing to locate. Fortunately, this report includes the latest wedding info available. Your rehearsal dinner is a great time to enjoy being with family and friends and begin your wedding celebration. There are a few things you want to keep in mind when planning for this special event. Firstly, usually the groom's parents host the dinner (however, this is no longer a strict rule). Sometimes the bride and groom will host they dinner or it can be hosted together by several people. In terms of food for dinner, try a different style and menu than that of your wedding day. If your wedding is a formal sit-down dinner, try a buffet or something more casual for the rehearsal. Also, mix up the types of food. Maybe have each of the couple's ethnicity reflected in the food for each meal. Truthfully, the only difference between you and wedding experts is time. If you'll invest a little more time in reading, you'll be that much nearer to expert status when it comes to weddings. Your rehearsal is the perfect time to incorporate a theme that the couple enjoys such as a Mexican Fiesta, or a Western Barbeque, or even a Hawaiian Luau. You could try a nautical theme, with the dinner on a boat, or have a clam bake on the beach. Be creative! On the other hand, you may prefer a sit down dinner at a restaurant. Check out restaurants with private dining rooms. Plan the first hour of the rehearsal dinner as a cocktail 'hour' where guests can mingle with each other and with the bride and groom before eating. Having the dinner at a restaurant will also save some stress on the couple's preparation, but may be a bit more costly. Should you send invitations for your rehearsal dinner? This is not required, but if you have the time and money, it's a good idea. The invitation will tell people exactly where and when the rehearsal will be held and where and when the dinner will take place. Include directions to the restaurant if necessary. If you choose to send invitations, make sure they are less formal than the wedding invitations. Invite everyone participating in the ceremony. Spouses or dates of all adult attendants should also be invited. Additionally immediate family is included. It is not necessary to invite musicians or soloists unless they are close friends or family. Feel free to invite family and out-of-town friends not in the ceremony to the rehearsal for a chance to spend extra time with them. Those who only know one or two facts about weddings can be confused by misleading information. The best way to help those who are misled is to gently correct them with the truths you're learning here.