After the date

After your date you must decide if the date was good or bad. You have to remember her actions. If she was talking a lot and showing signs that she liked you, then you should keep prusing her. If the women was ignoring you or being rude then you should cut your losses and forget about the date. Here are a few tips you can use after your date. 1. Kiss her on the cheek. Don't kiss her lips, if she wants to make out more she will let you know. If she was flirting the whole date then you can invite her in your house. Also remember women lie a lot so if you are making out and she says "I cant do this" it is bullshit. She can do it and she wants to, but if she says no then back off. Also respect her decisions. 2. Don't call the next day. If the girl really liked you then she will love the wait. Call the 2nd day after the date and she will be very excited to hear from you. 3. Ask her for a more personal date. Tell her to come over so you can cook for her and watch a movie. This way you will have her on your couch. A bonus is to get her drinking. This way she will be on your couch and ready to make out.