8 Things That Bug Me About Guys

I am writing this article for all the guys on Lovena to make the world a better place. The more guys know about us the better you will understand us. Here are the 8 things that bugs me the most about guys. 1. Indecisiveness-Ok guys can you please make up your mind once in a while. I am tired of guys that can't make a decision about anything. It's not hard to decide what are plans should be for the evening. 2. Don't yell "hey baby" at me-If you are the type of guy that yells at a pretty woman when she walks by I have news for you, your dumb. The women think what an asshole unless you are sexy, then they think what a sexy asshole. All the women I know including myself do not like to have things screamed at them. No you would not "tear this up" because you won't get close to this. If you think I am attractive start a conversation with me and let me know, at least you wont look like an asshole in my eyes. 3. Stupid pick up lines-Listen guys I appreciate the effort with the pick up lines but please think about what you are saying before you talk to me. I have not been running through your mind all day and yes I am wearing panties. Try really talking to a woman and start out with hello. I would much rather learn more about you than to hear how much you want to get in my pants. 4. Jerks that think they are all that-You are not all that you are not even close to that. You walk around with 5 pounds of gel in your hair and look like a carrot with your fake orange tan. A real man treats himself and others with respect at all time. You may have big muscles and you may have a adorable face but many other guys have the same features. The only thing to set you apart is your actions. Please make them good. 5. Guys that curse to look cool-When you curse you dont look or sound cool. You really sound a little kid that was not raised correctly by his mom. Remember one thing, any guy can curse but it takes a special man to try and control it. Cursing does not impress us, what impress us is sweet words and kindness. Go around cursing to impress your friends but please talk to us with a cleaner mouth. 6. Pretty guys that look in the mirror more than me-Guys are not supposed to always be looking in the mirror. Women need to make sure they always look pretty not guys. I cannot stand a guy that spends more time in the bathroom than I do. If you love yourself enough to stare at yourself all day then why don't you just date yourself? You need to understand that a good woman will like you for whom and what you are. A good woman will not like more if your hair is perfect. Real men know what I am talking about. 7. Any guy that wants sex on the first date-Many women to not like to be pressured to have sex on the first date. Nothing can ruin a date faster for a woman than a guy constantly discussing sex. We want to learn more about you and have a fun time; we don't want to learn more about your penis. Just talk to us on the first day and really listen to what we have to say. Women love conversation and yes we do like to talk about ourselves. A small secret is you would closer to have sex with us by listening and having conversatiom than you would by talking about sex. 8. Guys that think they know everything-Yes you are a guy and yes you know a lot but you do not know everything. If you act like you know everything you will be left with nothing. Unless you find a dumb woman that thinks she knows everything then you two can fight over who is smarter. Guys have to learn to listen to other people and ask for help when they need it. You don't have all the answers and you never will. Instead of closing off your mind open it up and learn as much as you can. Guys I really hope my article was enjoyable and insightful for you. Take what you have learned and use it to impress the girl you really want to be with. Love, Princess http://www.lovena.net