Dealing With Difficult Customers

An irate and unhappy customer can be a headache for the employee dealing with them, but, if you use the correct tact, it can become a win-win situation. A few rules of conduct and you should both walk away happy. First, always remain calm. Don't jump to the defensive. If you are relaxed, it will help your customer better keep their composure. Don't argue with the customer and don't place blame on them. This will only lead to a vicious circle of words and accomplish nothing. Be professional. Show the customer respect. Listen to their words, not their tone. Their words will tell you what the problem is. Don't interrupt them. Let them say everything they have to say. Show empathy for their problem. If they feel they have someone who cares about the situation, they are more likely to work with you. Once the customer has aired their complaint, repeat the actual problem so that you both know that you understand. Now you are prepared to work out the problem together. Including the customer in problem solving gives them a sense of having some control over the situation. Listen to their ideas as well as offering your own. Once you have reached an agreement, repeat it so that you and the customer are on the same page. Once a solution is agreed upon, act swiftly to settle the complaint. A customer who is treated with respect and has been dealt with fairly is much more likely to return than one who left angry and dissatisfied. These are common sense tips. Treat an angry customer with the same respect you would wish to be treated with in the same situation. If you keep this in mind, you will have half the battle won.