How Find Natural Well Being by Seeking to Feel Good In Body and End Up Feeling Great!

Taking care of your physical body either blocks or is in harmony with feeling good. Recognition of the importance of seeking to feel good is an essential beginning to our recovering the state of natural health. It's naturally ours you know! This is a belief that we are most resistant to. Many thoughts discourage this concept. Such thoughts might be: It's only worthwhile if it is hard. No pain, no gain. How other people feel is way more important than how we feel. What is most important is to tell other people what they need to do to feel better. What we think is the only "right" thinking. Someone else should "fix" how our body feels. My body would feel better if only............ No one is responsible for your body but YOU. If your body has "symptoms", it is most often the resistance to that thought that helps creates the symptoms. You shove it down or plow through it or know better or get so...busy that there is "no time". This does not mean that before you develop a "disease" that you wouldn't be wise to seek body help. It certainly doesn't mean that when a disease appears to be present, that you don't seek medical help. It means that beneath and beyond all of this you know and accept that the choice is firstly your own. What do I do each moment? Does it acknowledge my commitment to care for my body so that it feels good? One of he best ways of looking at your commitment to the care of your physical body is to note how you structure your day. When you set your desire for the day and make your plan, what do you leave out repeatedly when there appears to be a time limit? What do you not complete in your schedule repeatedly? What do you find hardest? Do you skip meals, hair cuts, cooking for yourself? Do you buy vitamins and not take them? The widely accepted concept of wholeness in wellness is most always stated in this order - body, mind and spirit. Care of the body must have a high priority. This is more difficult for some than others. This is part of the variety of life. Everyone has easy and hard things in their world. This is where you choose to avoid or accept the task. If we choose to accept, what we most fear or resist could be revealed. If you choose health, there are many ways to proceed. Some more mainstream than others. What you do is far less important than acknowledging that some change is in order. Begin looking at what specifically you can do to help you body feel good. Try an information web site such as Join the free weekly tips program for ongoing information.