Be Skilled in your Work

"Do you see the man skilled in his work? He will stand before kings, he will not stand before obscure men." --Proverbs 22:29 The Bible encourages us to know our "craft" and work our "business" well. Many are called to serve in the clergy, many are called to teach, to be healers, and YES to even work in the marketplace. God exists in the marketplace and He loves to meet us there! For most everyone, our everyday lives take place in the marketplace--at work, at home, out shopping--and not in a cathedral. God does not want us to only serve Him when we are at church, but in ever thing that we do. So we must therefore honor God through our work... and what better way to honor Him that to give our work our best, to do it "heartily as though unto the Lord" (Paraphrased 1 Chor 10:31).