They'll eat when hungry...

They'll eat when hungry... Terry Dashner Robert E. Speer tells the story of a boy at Yale who inherited a small fortune. Not wanting to waste it, he went to one of his old friends, a wise and successful man, and asked him for his advice. How should he invest his life and the money of his? 'My son!' said the old man, 'I will tell you what to do. Attach yourself to one of the great feeding interests. Don't manufacture things that can be dispensed with. There will come times when men will give up their luxuries, but there never will come a time when men will not have to eat. And if you want to be identified with one of the secure interests of mankind, attach yourself to one of those which feed the hunger of the world.' There is a greater hunger than the hunger for bread. It is the hunger of the soul for Christ, the living Bread; and two-thirds of all the people who die, die in that hunger, and without Him. That is the greatest single need in the world today. Give your life to feeding the hunger of the world. Pastor T.