Personal vision

I bet you are saying this sounds an awful lot like the you'll be it when you see it, but hold on it is a very different subject, yes they are distant cousins, but they are in no way the same not by a long shot. Personal vision people will look what is best for their whole life situation, and the best way to achieve what it is you want to put it on a personal level, this is one way to assure themselves of accomplishing a goal. Why you may asked because if it's personal and not a work task which makes it impersonal and your desire may not be as great to get the job done. Am I stating that you should slouch off? By no means. On our way on our journey to thinking and growing well it is to the utmost concern that we give it our best shot and when we feel like there is nothing left in the tank, that's when you reach deep down inside yourself and find that little spark that was never their before, yet all of sudden it's magic. Now if we could find a way to harness this power and learn to use it in all altitude of problems, we would not have to go on in this article, this is on of the keys to thinking and growing well. See the problem figure what on what level we want to solve the problem. I bet you are saying what's he mean level. Einstein said "We cannot solve a problem at the same level that you created it on." That means we created the problem at a lower level and the only way to solve this problem is to raise the level of energy, or frequency, all I know is that the vibration pattern must increase. Let's say a foot stool is too old to fix, one way to change the form thusly raising the stools energy pattern would be to burn it. You would have heat, light and light is one of the fastest forms of energy there is. So yes to solve a problem you can't solve the problem on the same level that you created it. It kind of reminds me of a fraise "go high or go home!" When you deal with people on the personal level, they love you for it. Too much today everyone feels like they are just another number, Like they are going to get lost in the crowd. So if you are one of those special people who has the ability to deal with others on a personal level and have the ability to deal with them on a personal level in your business, it will soar and you will never have to look for work and people will see that you are thinking and growing well. Now when you have this quality down, it may be time to start and share some of these concepts with others, let me tell you why. When you become the teacher it hammers these new concepts home that much farther and that much deeper and you in turn will hold on to these principals much, much, longer, but we will cover this at a later chapter