The Secret for True Happiness in Life

"Much better to do one's work even if you have to do it imperfectly than it is to do somebody else's work perfectly" - Bhagavad Gita How many times have you seen someone you envy so much complain about the job they do? Come to think of it, these are people you see as enjoyment personified. They work in big establishments and earn fat pay and you will do just anything to emulate them. You may even decide to study the same course they studied just to be in that position they are, someday. Yet these people are not happy with their level of "achievement." Isn't this mysterious? The above scenario is a common occurrence in the lives of so many people. A lot of people wake up early in the morning and come home late at night doing something they don't enjoy. You see a lot of people complain everyday of their lives about their job or anything that has to do with it and they still wake up the next morning going to that same job! Most times I wonder why this is so. Is it because of the pay or the need to just get noticed that they are doing something or what? If you happen to be in this position, I want to tell you that you need not subject to a life of unhappiness. The road to true happiness in life, I want to tell you, is doing what you love. We now live in an age that it is relatively easy to do work that is meaningful, interesting and fulfilling. Our choices are many, our freedoms are substantial, and it is up to us to make it happen. We deserve to do work that makes a difference - even work that's fun. of what good is it to spend most of your days toiling at something that no longer or has never, provided you satisfaction? Doing what you love makes work look like fun. This is something I can tell you because I am experiencing it. Ever since I discovered the things I love to do and started DOING them, I don't think I have ever had any cause to complain or be unhappy with myself or anything that has to do with what I am doing. Most people don't even think I am doing anything because I do my work as if it is a child's play. I work in a relaxed mood and with relative ease that most people think I am just playing around. Happiness in life is not the exclusive right of some selected few; it is for everybody living on this planet, including you. Nobody has banished you to a life of hardship or unhappiness, so do not do same to yourself. If you are doing something you do not enjoy, you don't have to continue: DO SOMETHING ELSE! Do something you enjoy and you will experience a new lease of life. You cannot have a joyful life while having an unpleasant journey. In case you don't know what you want to do, then your job is to find out what it is. Explore and study. Your true calling will speak to you if you're listening. In addition to having more fulfillment, joy and pride, it's healthier. People, who do what they hate, build up a lot of stress, which leads most times to ill health. If doing what you love requires paying a price, it will do, then DO IT because it is better for you to be happy than living in a self-imposed prison every day of your life. Do you love what you are doing? Are you really doing what you are supposed to be doing? See if you can answer this questions in all fairness and see what your life becomes after taking a decision that will favour you. Wishing you the very best. Adebola Oni