WHAT EXACTLY IS THE ATTITUDE OF GRADITUDE AND WHAT CAN IT DO FOR ME? This is one of the key lessons of this book so stop what you are doing and pay real close attention to what I am going to say, because your very future could hang in the balance, you may just strike it rich, you may finally be set free of depression for the first time in five years, all because you learned the valuable lesson of the attitude of gratitude one of the most powerful forces in all the universe. How can I get this magical power you may ask yourself? First of all it's not magical, it's just a law set up by God that states, The more you give thanks for what you have, the more you will be given to be thankful for! I BELIEVE THAT PHARSE SAYS IT ALL BUT IF BY SOME FREAK OF A CHANCE YOU HAVEN'T COMPREHENDED THIS MESSAGE I'LL GO FUTHER WITH THE DISSCUSSION, BECAUSE IF IT'S TO EASY THEN FOR SOME REASON PEOPLE JUST DON'T GET IT, SO PLEASE DON'T FEEL BAD, it's NOT a BIG DEAL WE'LL GET YOU THROUGH IT AND YOU WILL BE SINGING PRAISES AND GIVING GRATTITUDE FOR ALL THE GOOD THINGS IN LIFE THAT ARE HAPPENING TO YOU ON A DAILY BASIS. DO WE ONLY GIVE THANKS WHEN THINGS ARE GOING WELL? HERE IS MOST PEOPLE'S MISTAKE; THEY ONLY GIVE PRASIE WHEN THE GOING IS GOOD. WELL WHAT ABOUT THE TIMES WHEN IT'S GOING PRETTY GOOD YET THERE ARE A FEW BUMPS IN THE ROAD, YET THEY ARE FAR FORM TERRIBLE YET IF THINGS ARE GOING EXACTLY AS YOU PLANED AND YOU EARN A MILLION BUCKS, ALL YOU DO IS COMPLAIN about what you are going to do with the money AND WE ALL KNOW THAT NOTHING GOOD CAN COME OUT OF THAT SORT OF BEHAVOIR, BECAUSE IT JUST BRINGS YOU DONW AND PUT'S YOU AT A LOWER LEVEL, YET AND THIS IN TURN FUELS THE FIRE FOR MORE COMPLAING. THEN COMES THE DEPRESSION OR WHAT HAVE you IT'S NOT ALL CHEMICAL imbalance, THERE ARE PARTS THAT ARE WHAT you DO, SAY, THAT HAVE AN EFFECT on the situation, SO YES SOME OF IT IS WHAT YOU FEED YOUR MIND ALL DAY, WHAT YOU DO TO GET OUT OF THE SLUMP. WHAT DO YOU THINK DAVID DID WHEN THE TIMES WERE REALLY TOUGH? HE SANG PRASIES TO THE LORD (the attitude of gratitude!) he didn't complain dam it I can't beat that giant what in the hell was I thinking? No way was he singing praise to the lord for the victory that he was going to help the young man achieve. Gratitude get's you gold! Now let me tell you if you never read the bible, this was the outcome David won and he won on the first shot of a stone to the giants head killing him instantly. Now do you think David said I am big man on campus, I beat the giant all by myself, no, no he sang praises to the lord for giving his people a victory over such an huge appoint. Now you tell me were things going good for David? Here he is just a shepherd boy and goliath was a man that stood ten feet tall, compared to probably a 5 foot young boy. David said thank you for the victory you are going to give me and he never doubted for one minute that he would be victorious, now can you see how David used the attitude of gratitude when things were going well and horrible, so the key is to give thanks in the good times and in the bad times and this will assure that good things start coming your way, so please remember the more you give thanks for what you have, the more you will be given to be thankful for!