The Amazing Job Campaign Power Principle . . . Targeting!

When you're job hunting, you want things to happen quickly. And that's OK. Unfortunately job seekers rely on electronic, automated systems to do the work. Like posting electronic resumes to several job service websites like The problem is that statistically only 7% of resumes posted there get any kind of response. And most of those are not related to specific job openings. As a result, your hopes and expectations are unfounded and you're left with a sense of disappointment and disillusionment. There is no automated way to find a job . . . not if you're serious about getting ahead and being in control of your future. However, there is a proven job campaign principle that can accelerate your search and put you in charge of selecting rather than settling for your next job. It's called TARGETING! And here's how you do it: 1. Job targets are found where your skills and interests intersect. So trying to find an opportunity in the vast national job market without having specific targets is a waste of time. 2. Use a variety of local community and non-commercial job-search services on the internet to identify work situations that fit you needs. Commercial job boards only carry paid listings. 3. Identify specific locations where you want to live and work. Your most important geographical parameter is identifying where you want to work. Why look in California when you won't leave New York? 4. Acquire the names of employers in that geographical area--whether or not that have job openings. Use the internet (e.g. Google) to quickly identify them. Enter "(City) Business Directory." This is a list of companies where you can mine the "hidden job market" for opportunities. Narrow down your focus by selecting companies that hold an interest for you. 5. Compile background information on these companies so you can learn as much as possible about the internal workings, competitors, products, financial condition. One good place to get insider information is 6. Now you're ready to target specific hiring decision-makers within each organization who it would make sense for you to approach. Typically you're looking for name of the person who could be your next boss. Armed with this fabulous detailed information you're ready to take the next step. Fortunately there's an exciting system available to you to show you step-by-step how to get in front of these decision-makers and turn your target into a job offer!