Endorphins - Strong Painkillers Your Subconscious May Be Able to Provide

The sources of the original "natural high," endorphins and ekephalins can nonetheless lose their ability to kill pain if the situation becomes chronic. Visualizations may be able to help your subconscious to send in reinforcements.

Endorphins and a sub-type of endorphins called enkephalins are a major source of pain relief in the body. Many times more powerful than morphine, they reduce pain signals in the spinal cord, the thalamus or pain processing center in the brain, and in the cerebral cortex.

Enkephalins prevent the release of acetylcholine, a brain chemical that transmits pain. They also trigger the production of GABA, which in turn is an effective neutralizer of both glutamate and substance P, the two major brain chemicals involved with chronic pain.

But if the problem of Level 2 neuron windup occurs, whereby less and less glutamate is needed to produce more and more pain, the endorphins and ekephalins can become overwhelmed and lose their power. Windup is very common when you have chronic pain.

Good Ways to Increase Endorphins and Enkephalins

Part of any balanced pain relief strategy needs to be to strengthen the supply of these potent natural painkillers. Fortunately you have many natural ways to do this. For example: