
There are basically two kinds of actors: Those who risk and those who don't risk. No-risk actors follow a safe path of risk avoidance. Their low tolerance of uncertain, possibly negative results, keeps them safe from any rejection. They prefer to avoid any negativity or criticism by not risking a personal character choice. They want only to hear what is good and positive without having to go through the pulse pounding effect of challenging their status quo. They avoid any kind of challenge that might mean failing. Actors, who duck risking, lack artistic courage. Their auditions and presentations are predictably bland. They act the words of the script or sides, not the story of the character. They fear an unknown outcome. As a result these actors are not engaging or interesting to watch. These actors take a step or two in a slightly risky direction, but usually fall back to their safe, predictable position. On the other hand, an actor who is a risktaker, challenges himself and others constantly. They expose their feelings and ideas risking negative outcomes, such as tough critiques, bad reviews or failed auditions, by presenting unique personal character presentations. These choices mean that these actors must reveal some personal trait or quality or some unusual idea or thought. An actor who is constantly a risktaker is not only affecting but also exciting to watch, because they are never satisfied and are always digging for more. They experiment and explore different character presentations, as well as, challenging what they have learned or been directed to do. These actors tend to leap first, and then look afterwards. They make a risk-laden choice, present it and question it afterward. Risk-taking actors are alive and in turn, enliven an audience. They seem to only comply with an inner drive to follow personal, affecting choices. All life is a risk. Risking love is to risk being hurt. Trying something new is to risk failure. Exposing personal feelings is to risk exposing one's true self. A full life is filled with risk and loss and victory. You can't win or lose without risk. Not every audition will be successful. Not every review will be full of praise. Not every choice will be well received. But - and always listen to everything after the "but" - to not risk means that you will be like all the other actors with risk avoidance. And, there are an overwhelming number of these actors. Actors who risk are special, memorable and working. Which kind of actor are you?