Different Liposuction Techniques

Ever since the introduction of liposuction in the far-off 1974, there have been invented many liposuction techniques. Different surgeons often combine different liposuction techniques during the operation itself, as the combination of various methods often leads to better results. Many things have changed after liposuction was first introduced and this kind of operation is becoming increasingly popular, as the skills of the surgeons and the different techniques are improving throughout decades. There are four basic types of liposuction techniques, namely Dry Liposuction, Wet Technique, Super-Wet Technique and Tumescent Liposuction. The first liposuction technique is called Dry or Traditional Liposuction. It originates from the procedure of lipectomy, which involves suction of tissues with a standard cannula. The operation is accomplished without using tumescing fluid. It comprises putting high negative pressure on the tissue and sucking out the fat. The bad after-effects this liposuction technique causes are substantial blood loss, necrosis, nerve damage and trauma to the tissues. The second type of liposuction technique is the Wet Technique. Here the operation is done by injecting of tumescent fluid(such as saline, epinephrine, lidocaine) into the fattened tissues. But this method, unlike Tumescent Technique, involves injection of less tumescent solution than the amount of the fat itself. The third liposuction technique is similar to the Wet Technique, and that's why it is called Super-Wet Technique. The difference is in the amount of fat removed after the fluid is injected. The tumescent fluid is equal as quantity to the fat that is removed after injection. Because of this, it is not as risky as the last type of liposuction technique, called Tumescent Technique. This technique includes the highest level of risk from intoxicating by tumescing fluid. Tumescent technique involves the injection of the three fluids- saline (to assist in the suction process), lidocaine (as anaesthetic) and epinephrine(to prevent bleeding). This liposuction technique prevents to a great extent blood loss and different deformations during and after the operation. But the major feedback comes from the amounts of tumescing fluids injected in the body: they are twice or even three times greater than the fat to be removed. This may cause serious intoxication. The biggest danger comes from lidocaine. Lidocaine overdose can be fatal in some cases. So what can you do if you want to undergo the operation? The best thing is to consult with a surgeon and to choose together the most suitable liposuction technique for your body. Be aware that some surgeons use the dangerous Tumescent Technique without consulting with the patient. Before you choose the liposuction technique itself, you had better carefully scrutinize your own surgeon, and decide whether he or she is honest with you.