Make your advertising spread like wild fire!

The following is a great way to get your advertising for your information product website flowing at minimal cost. People like free stuff, why not use this to your advantage ? Create something, give it away for free, and watch it spread! This actually sounds like it would hinder your business, why would they buy your product if they can get it for free? What this actually does is creates an introduction to your product that advertises your web site. By making it free, it ensures that it will get spread from one person to the next, just like a virus. This is commonly referred to as "viral marketing". Theres one important thing I want to point out here. Obviously if you come up with a few pages on something everyone already knows or crappy facts about something, don't expect it to spread at all. If no one finds it valuable and interesting, no one will want to share it. Of course don't give away all your information in your course for free, but maybe elaborate on one really good concept in your e-book. Make them say "Wow, I have to share this with so and so". Your viral material doesn't have to be super-long, just make sure its good information. Although people do have a tendency to think the longer the report, the more valuable it is. Your viral material doesn't have to be really great at first, just keep adding to it and you will surprised how great it can become. Just start somewhere! Another good idea is to make your viral materials "brandable". This makes it possible for your competitors to stamp your materials with their affiliate link, and have them give away your materials. Then their efforts pay off when someone clicks on the link inside the materials! Why would you offer to help your competitors make money ?? Because by becoming partners with them, you make more money then you would if you never offered this to them. They have the incentive to share your viral marketing because they get paid, and in turn you get paid, and thats whats business is all about! Just make sure your viral marketing is valuable information, turn your competition into your new partners, and let the information viral infection begin! Best wishes ! Maranda Mann Want more powerful information like this absolutely FREE? Get over 12 hours of video and a 120 page E-book Get your FREE course