What To Do If Your Child Has Chicken Pox

Chicken pox is a common affliction that affects people of all ages but is most commonly seen in children. The symptoms of chicken pox are red bumps on the body that turn into blisters and that increase in quantity over several days. The bumps may look like insect bites or a rash and is often difficult to diagnose the first few days. Often, it is accompanied by a fever. Watch the bumps to see if they turn into blisters and if more bumps emerge over a few days. If so, it is likely chicken pox. Most cases of chicken pox do not even need a consultation with a physician and are easily treatable. However there are times when consulting a doctor is advisable. If after three days you are still unsure of the diagnosis, consult a doctor. If the child is an infant, you should bring the child in for diagnosis. If your child's bumps seem infected or are located on eyelids, it is best to get it checked. Also, if your child seems unusually ill, has severe headaches, a high fever that lasts more than five days, or if the child develops other cold like symptoms such as a cough a doctor's opinion should be sought. Chicken pox is highly contagious and the child should be quarantined for the duration. Do not allow the child to interact with peers at school or with friends. Once the child starts getting spots, it will take approximately seven days until he or she is no longer contagious. The day after all the spots have scabbed, the child will no longer be contagious and can resume normal activity. The accompanying fever should only be treated if it is above 101