Asthma - Children & Treatment


Though Asthma can be developed at any age, but it is found that it occurs mostly in childhood. Moreover, it is found that it is found more in girls than boys. Asthma causes about 1/4th absentism in schools and around 20 children die due to uncontrolled Asthma only in Canada every year. So, it is very important to control Asthma so that your child can lead a normal and healthy lifestyle.

How do I know my child has Asthma?

If your child is suffering from breathing problem and uncontrollable continuous coughing then it's the time you take your child to doctor and get a proper diagnosis done. It's very likely that your child is suffering from Asthma. Delay could lead to serious problem and it may even take your child's life.

Is there anything I can do to help my child avoid Asthma?

As we all know that Asthma has no definite cure and only preventive measures and proper consultation of doctor can lead to control of Asthma, you should try and see that you keep your child away from the triggers that result to Asthma attacks in your child. You should do the following to save your child and ensure him a normal and healthy lifestyle.

* You should put extra efforts to keep your child's surroundings clean.

* You should take the child for regular checkups.

* You should ensure that child does not come into the contact of triggers that lead to Asthma attacks.

* You should educate the child about the preventive measures and teach him how to help oneself in times of emergency.

How can I help my child avoid Asthma triggers?

You should take preventive measures in accordance with the kind of triggers that lead to Asthma attacks in your child. Lets have a look on the kind of triggers and how you can help your child to fight these Asthma triggers.

* Pollen and molds: If pollen and molds causes Asthma attacks, then you should use your air conditioners and keep your doors and windows regularly closed. If you are traveling, then keep the windows of your car closed. You sholud avoid flowery plants in your nursery.

* Pets: If you are an ardent pet lover, then keep your pet at separate places and put on masks before you come in their contact.

* Strong Emotions: Try to avoid strong emotions that lead to anxiety, if they cause asthma attacks.

* Smoke and dust: Try to keep your environment smoke and dust free and ensure that you wear masks when you are out. Avoid working in kitchen.

* Heat burn: If heartburn causes allergy, that leads to asthma attacks, then avoid moving out in sun and use proper lotions that prevents sunburns

* Spray in deodorants and perfumes: Avoid using and coming in contact with perfumes and spray in deodorants, if they lead to asthma attacks.

* Smelly spices and Food Additives: Cook your food that is free from additives and try to avoid eating outdoor food. Avoid going in kitchen and if it is mandatory put a mask. Try to gather complete knowledge that what kind of food contains additives and make their intake very less.

How can I tell my child's asthma is serious?

Use a peak flow meter to check how much air flows out of your child's lung everyday. Your child will have lesser inflow and outflow of air from lungs, if he is suffering from Asthma. Measuring of peak flows can help you detect your child's air flow before he or she has any symptoms of Asthma. The peak flow meter will also tell, whether or not your child's asthma is serious and what kind of time to time medication is mandatory for your child. You will also get to know, when your child needs emergency care. In addition, it will also help you to find the triggers that lead to Asthma attacks in your child.

How is a peak flow meter used?

It is very simple to use a peak flow meter. To use a peak flow meter on your child, go thorough the following steps:

* Primarily move the indicator to the bottom of the numbered scale.

* Stand up and take a deep breath.

* Close the child's lip around the mouthpiece of the flow meter and ensure that his or her tongue does not gets inside the mouthpiece.

* Ask the child to blow hard and as fast as possible. The indicator on the scale moves up.

* Note down the number where the indicator stops.

* Ask your child to repeat the above steps 1-5 times more and then note down the highest number among them where the indicator has stopped on the peak flow meter chart.

Your doctor will tell you when to use peak flow meter on your child and how to record your child's personal best score from time to time. The personal best score is the highest score that your child shows in a period of two to three weeks, when the asthma is under good control. After you come to know, your child's best score, you should compare the daily peak flow score with the personal best score.

What to do next after using peak flow meter on your child?

Once you have recorded your child's personal peak flow score, your doctor will tell you how to put these scores into different zones as colors in the traffic light. There are three zones that tells about the severity of your child's asthma.

Green zone: This zone is the 80%-100% of the personal best score, which signifies all clear. This means that all there are no symptoms and your child can use all the medicines as usual.

Yellow Zone: In this zone, the personal best score lies between 50%-80% of the personal best score and signifies caution. Your child may need some extra medication and preventive measures.

Red Zone: In this zone, the personal best score lies below 50% of the of the personal best score and signifies medical alert. You should ask your child to use inhaler regularly and consult your doctor immediately.


Proper medication along with preventive measures are required to treat and control asthma. These can be divided into different categories as follows:

Reliever Medications: Normally packed in blue and grey containers these are also known as Beta agonists or broncobusters. These include salbutamol, fenoterol, and terbutaline such as Airomir, Ventolin,a nd Bricanyl. As soon as you inhale them, muscles around the bronichal tubes relax instantly and makes it easier to breath for a couple of hours. This is a perfect medicine for people suffering from mild asthma.

* Preventive Medications: Also known as preventors, they reduce inflammation in airways.The regular use of preventers reduces the irritability in bronichle tubes that leads to reduction in inflammation in the tubes. Though symptoms may start improving within a week or two, but it will take a couple of months before the inflammation also improves. If your asthma is well-controlled, you can reduce their intake with the help of doctor. Preventive medicines are divided into three groups:

* Non steroid puffers: They include cromogylate, [Intal] among others. They are very useful in mild asthma and intial therapy for children. They are best to bloc exercise related asthma attacks.

* Steroid puffers or Cortisone: Fluticasone, Budesonide, beclomethasone etc lies under the Steroid puffers category. They are very effective drugs fro reducing inflammation. These medication leads to side effects such as husky voice or soar throat. You can minimize these side effects by using spacer device or gargling with water. These are adviced to take in small doses after proper consultation.

* Leucotriene antagonists: This is a new series of medication and one tablet is taken on everyday or alternate days .Medications like Zafirlukast and montelukast reduce inflammation of airways by blocking the chemical known as leucontrienes.

Symptom Controllers

These drugs are taken on daily basis by the patients who are already on the heavy dose of preventers, this means the people who are suffering from high asthma. These drugs include eformoterol and salmaterol. You should never use system controllers alone to treat asthma attacks.

Combination Drugs

These are the medications that combine asthma preventer along with a symptom controller. They are available in Australia and includes drug such as Seretide (Flixotide + Serevent).


Immunotherapy is used to reduce the severity of allergy and is used only in specific cases of asthma to reduce medication.