High Cholesterol - What you need to know...


In medical term, we call escalation of fat content in the blood as "High cholesterol". When too much of the fat substance increases in your blood, it gets accumulated on the walls of arteries and results in their hardening. As a consequence, arteries get narrow and either the blood flow to heart is slowed down or gets blocked. Even the supply of oxygen gets less and as both blood and oxygen are the mandatory requirements for the active working of heart, shortage of their supply could lead to major heart attack and unbearable chest pain. High cholesterol is one of the major causes of heart disease and it is the numero uno factor that is taking lives of women in America. Near about one million Americans are affected by heart diseases every year and among them 50 million succumb to death. People of all age groups are effected by high cholesterol.


There are no such different signs and symptoms of high cholesterol and study shows that people often come to know about their heart diseases due to high cholesterol quite late. The only visible reasons are obesity and that a person gets tiered very easily.


As told in the beginning, that high cholesterol results in various heart diseases and there are various risk factors associated with high cholesterol that increase the risk of heart diseases. Though many of the risk factors are controllable, some of them cannot be controlled. The risk factors that you cannot control is the age factor and family history of long heart diseases. The controllable risk factors, about which a person can do something and take their control with the help of doctor's consultation and proper medication includes diabetes, smoking, high blood pressure, obesity, and physical inactivity.


There are various reasons that are the causes of high cholesterol. Let's have a look at the major causes of high cholesterol.

Alcohol: A moderate amount of alcohol, does not increase cholesterol, rather it increases HDL (good) cholesterol but on the other hand it does not minimize LDL (bad) cholesterol. But this does not mean that one should increase the alcohol intake as high intake will lead to the damage of liver, high blood pressure, and high raising of triglyceride levels in the body.

Mental Stress: High stress for a long period of time results in the escalation of cholesterol in the body. You should try to remain calm and improve your eating habits.

Heredity: This is the genetic factor and the high cholesterol factor is inherited in the genes of the person. Familial Hypercholesterolemia is one of the specific kind of inherited high cholesterol. It effects only 1 in 500 people suffering from the problem of high cholesterol.

Eating Habits: If a person intakes diet that constitutes high level of cholesterol and fat, risk of various heart diseases are developed automatically. One should avoid eating food with high animal fats.

Age and gender factor: As the women get older and their menopause stops their cholesterol levels rise in comparison to men and they develop greater degree of risk factors related to heart disease. Women at age 50 have higher cholesterol in their blood normally than men at age around 60-65

Weight: Overweight will increase the cholesterol levels in your blood and you will develop major risk factors of heart disease easily.

Be happy, stay healthy, exercise daily, and have nutritious and healthy diet. Save your heart and live a healthy and long life.