What is Hypertension?


Hypertension is the medical term for "High Blood Pressure". In Hypertension, blood flows in arteries with high force than normal and this causes blood arteries and heart to do overwork to maintain the normal flow of the blood. Hypertension leads to major life threatening factors and a person can suffer from major heart strokes, heart attack, and heart failure. Not only this, hypertension also causes immense damage to the organs such as eyes, kidneys (it can result to kidney failure), brain damage, brain haemrrhage, and affects blood circulation severely.

Though earlier hypertension was known as an "adult disease", but the study shows that it is also increasing among children at an alarming rate. High blood pressure is a wide-spread disease and a whopping 50 million americans are affected by this, which me and one in every four adult. Above all, it is really ironical to know that majority of them do not know that they are suffering from it and at last it takes their life. That's why it is also terned as a "Silent Killer".


Hypertension is classified according to its causes. There are various causes that lead to Hypertension. Currently, they are classified into two broad main categories:

Primary:This is also known as Essential or Idiopathic Hypertension. There is no specific cause associated with the primary hypertension. 90-95% of the cases are found primary cases of hypertension.

Secondary:Hypertension that is caused by other factors is known as secondary hypertension such as kidney disease, continuous intake of contraceptives etc. Secondary hypertension accounts for only a miniscule 10-15% of the hypertension cases.


It is really ironical to know that though this is a wide-spread disease, a large people are not aware that they are actually suffering from it and improper medication and their irresponsible behavior of the person ultimatley culminates to death. Following are the signs and symptoms that helps to diagnose hypertension:

* Severe headache * Palpitations * Dizziness * Palpitation * Nausea * Expistaxis (Nose bleeding) * Hematuria (Blood in the urine) * Impotence * Fatigue


Following are the major causes that lead to primary and secondary hypertension in a person.

Primary Hypertension: Genes, race factor (like there are more cases of hypertension in black americans than white americans), family history, obesity, and smoking are the primary cause of hypertension.

Secondary Hypertension:Kidney disorders, Endocrine disorders, Sleep apena, high consumption of alcohol, intake of drugs like cocaine, high intake of coffee, intake of contraceptives, and stress are the major causes of secondary hypertension.


Studies have revealed that by improving lifestyle you can prevent the dreadful disease of hypertension. You can take following preventive measures:

* You should quit smoking. As smoking leads to disastrous result of hypertension. * You should maintain a healthy weight as heavy weight often causes hypertension. * You should reduce your salt intake, if you have diagnosed any of the symptom of hypertension. * You should try to keep yourself as fit as possible by leading a physically active life and exercising regularly. Practice yoga to avoid stress, as stress is a major factor of hypertension. * You should start maintaining a healthy diet chart for you with ample amount of protein-rich and fibre-rich food that includes fruits and vegetables. * You should avoid alcohol consumption as much as possible.


Medications that play a very important role in treatment of hypertension can be classified in different categories as follows:

Diuretics:Diuretics are of three types loop, potassium sparing, and thiazide. Diuretics help to eliminate waste such as sodium and water from kidneys that hence decrease the blood volume and lowers hypertension.

Antioxidants and Calcium:These include healthy dietary supplements that comprises Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and beta-carotene antioxidants such as vegetables. For food rich in Calcium, you should have a heavy intake of low fat dairy products and fruits.

Different medicines: Medicines such as beta-blockers such as atenolol, metoprolol reduce heart workload, depression, fatigue, etc. Diabetic patient should avoid their intake. Angeotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors such as catopril, enalapril, lisinopril, generate a chemical in the body that decrease the production of a substance in a body that leads to hypertension.

Others: Diet rich in magnesium and potassium, enzyme Q10, Omega3 fatty acids, herbs such as garlic, hawthron, massage therapy, ayurvedic medicines such as arjuna, ashwagandha, gotu kola, saffron, muskroot etc, chinese herbs,homeopathy, and acupuncture play very important role in the treatment of hypertension.