Astrology Never Lies

Contrary to its detractors concerted opinion, Astrology is not superstition. Superstition is more akin to: "If I break a mirror, I will have 7 years bad luck." or "If a bird flies into my house, someone will die." or "If I step on a sidewalk crack, I will break my mother's back." or "When It's Christmas and the weather is warm, it will be cold at Easter." Those are superstitions. Astrology is not superstition. Not even close. Astrology is a language. It exists. Like Estonian or French. It just plain exists. Like hard boiled eggs or chutney. Now, for some, languages that they do not know and are unable to read or converse in, constitute a sort of threat. When we hear friends chatting in a language that we don't know and we are present, we almost automatically imagine that they are talking about us. This is a kind of natural paranoia. We cannot understand. So we feel threatened or left out and perhaps even targeted as a victim. Astrology, like any language, does have to be learned in order to be used. That's why some people are astrologers and others have other learn