Move Fast and with Purpose with Women

Gentlemen, I like to move fast and hit a lot of targets because I want a lot of women. I am not a one woman man, nor am I satisfied with two or three girlfriends. I have around twenty thousand hot babes notched on the old bed post. I bet you hate my guts. I understand. I was reading a post from Ross Jeffries and he seemed pretty good with thinking fast on his feet. I agree that speaking what crosses your mind is a good idea. I just don't like over staying my welcome, I get in and I get out and I don't play games. I just come on to a woman with the biggest smile and an indirect compliment and hand her my phone number on a slip of paper then if she seems interested I invite her out right on the spot. A date with me is a trip to the bachelor pad. I skip the coffee and all that crap. If not that day I wait for her to call. Sometimes I ask for her number if she seems friendly and nice. No other pick-up artist is so direct. I come in like a rock star or a sports star assuming that she wants to know me or make love with me. The girls think I must be someone really important or how else could I have the balls to approach her skipping all the preliminaries used by other so-called artists. You would have to see me do my approach to believe it. Of course, my purpose is to find a nice wife.....When I retire at 100 years old! So who was that nice man, she asks....Elvis, of course, Elvis Preston King