World's Greatest Pick-up Artist

Mystery wakes up every morning and looks into his magic mirror and exclaims "Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?" to which the mirror replies "Thou Mystery you know that you are great however there is one man who finally has finally taken your place." Mystery gasps and says "don't play with me magic mirror you know that no one is as good with women as the all-mighty Mystery." The magic mirror answers, "Sir Mystery you know that you are good with women, the way you move into a group and disarm the bad guys surrounding your target. The way you can go into a strip club and bed strippers. Yes Mystery you are good, but the day has come to bust your bubble, Elvis Preston King is the world's greatest pick-up artist." Mystery storms out of the room furious, "Where is this Elvis guy, I will hang him by the balls, nobody messes with the great and all-powerful Mystery.