Advice for driving to the World Cup this summer

Advice for driving to the World Cup this summer With this year's football World Cup now only months away, tens of thousands of young people from all corners of England are getting ready to travel to Germany this summer. Students are hoarding their loans and increasing their SuperNoodle intake in order to save money, whilst those of us that have whored ourselves to the world of work are desperately trying to suck up to the boss and get our holiday dates accepted. But with aeroplane tickets already reaching astronomical prices, the only remaining option for most football fans is to drive to Germany. The ferry ports and the Channel Tunnel won't know what's hit them in June as hordes of fans squeeze into vans, buses and clapped-out old bangers, heading off to Germany in search of football heaven. So if you're one of those football junkies off on a mission to get three-lionised this summer, do make sure you're properly prepared, or else when James drops the ball, Owen breaks his other foot and Rooney socks someone, leaving England knocked-out and tearful, you'll have more than just a lost football match to cry about. One of the most important things you need to do before you head off to the land of fr