First date tips - Things to do on first date

You are finally there. Feeling nervous and excited. It doesn't matter who picked who, or whether you have decided to meet each other in a neutral place, the question is what to do on the first date? The main concept of a perfect first date is to get to know each other, therefore, the perfect first date will usually involve a nice conversation and not some adventurous extreme activities. If the weather is pleasant you can get some ice cream and have a walk in a park or on the beach or even sit on a bench in the moonlight and let the conversation flow in view of this romantic setting. If the weather isn't warm enough, you'll probably have to stay indoors. Having a first date in one of your apartments can be intimidating for both sides since the guest doesn't know yet the person he \ she are visiting, and can't completely trust them. The host may also feel intimidated by the exposure and the invasion to his \ her privacy. Therefore, the most common places to have a first date are bars, caf