Critical Illness Insurance 101

Many of us think of Critical Illness Insurance and Disability Insurance as something that would be nice to have but not really fitting into our budget. We somehow rationalize that $5 cup of gourmet coffee in the morning, but not the few dollars per week we could spend to protect our finances and our loved ones should we ever find ourselves in a pickle with our health. The peace of mind that Critical Illness Insurance and Disability Insurance can provide at such a time is priceless. It is important to take a look at your life and finances when choosing a policy. There are many different types of policies to choose from. With the help of your representative, you will find the one that suits you and your life the best. You want a quality policy that if you should need to file a claim would start the benefits quickly and have enough benefit paid to you that your lifestyle is not greatly changed and your finances are not overburdened. Critical Illness Insurance and Disability Insurance works with your major medical policy, helping you to pay any out of pocket expense and your regular household bills while you focus on just your recovery. When filing a claim for Critical Illness Insurance or Disability Insurance, if independent medical examinations are mentioned do not be alarmed. Insurance companies often request that you are seen by a doctor other than your regular doctor to be sure that you are receiving the proper treatment (a second opinion scenario) and also to be sure that your claim is valid. This is no way a slur directed at you personally. Independent medical examinations serve two purposes. The first is to be sure that you are on the right road to a quick and healthy recovery. The second is to prevent those would try to receive fraudulent benefits. Fraud, if allowed, could raise the few dollars per week that Critical Illness Insurance and Disability Insurance cost the average person to a price out of reach, and many who do find themselves grateful for their benefits when the need arises would not have chosen to purchase this invaluable insurance at such a premium. Therefore, as you can see, independent medical examinations ensure proper handling of your case and are not meant to add an extra stress. If you are still one of the masses who has yet to commit to a Critic al Illness Insurance policy or Disability Insurance policy, the next time you sip that coffee, listen to that new CD, or pick up the lunch tab for a co-worker, stop and ask yourself why. Can you really afford to be without it?