How To Free Yourself, From Mans Approval, The Menu To Gods House

How To Get To Gods House Without Man's Approval The Menu To Gods House Through the darkness that we have traveled in this life, it was written in Gods plan, to surrender to him, will heal the pain that we endure, see it is called the test of faith, sacrifice, as Jesus who died upon the cross, we shall feel his pain, know the word and know the devil when he comes, he is very swift, the curse has fail upon a building that wear the cross, don't be deceive, no man can get you into the Kingdom of heaven, but your soul. He said suffer to those who come unto me, God shall forgive all if your reasoning's are sincere in the name of God. Beware of the price tags that come in the name of God, beware of the powerful words that deceives the heart, man has no power in Gods house, he will be judge as you, Never let man cloud your thoughts, the curse have fell on many false prophets, but God is real, continue to grow in his faith, God is love, but beware of the demand that travels upon the night, God said if you don't love your brother how can you say you love me, beware of the pimping cloaks, beware of the holy cloth, beware of the healing waters, beware of the perverts who lead your children. Joel 2:23-25. Although there is no hope for religious Babylon as a whole there is a remnant that will hear the voice of the Lord and come to him without the camp. Heb. 13:13, Rev. 18:4. God's Love is Free fear not the houses that many go under the name of Church, many are the cloaking of the devil, God reaches out to the lost, and the confuse, he never leaves you, I had to first forgive my self, the hardest thing in life, before I could go to God, but I found the more I ran from it, the more I became self destructive, I continue to talk to Jesus, nevertheless I hated my self, but what I found out that God never left me, I left him, what the church dose not share, the key to Gods house comes from the heart. In this world correlated dysfunctional values, in the eyes of the imaginary collation of inability lies deep within the healing of perceptions, in my enhancement of my dysfunctional seminary to control my thoughts which had no mind of its on; In this proclamation of ability is a magnet to hide my dysfunction from the world nevertheless it speaks through a vacuum where the world sets limits to your capabilities to function in the house of spiritual freedom, a private sector of clicks which have no respect; for the mind, who fights just to stay alive, the over all discrimination when one is not taken seriously, and the disabilities becomes a shelter hidden from those, who have no control of their own. Man has no control in Gods house, free self from the Babylon of destruction. The menu to Gods house is not as complicated as you may think, for everyman that you show love, god gives you a merit to his house, for every sick person that you comfort and console it takes you on the highway to his path, for every pain that you might have cause, confessing to that person you are truly sorry for that moment in your life. The next step is humble, be humble in your words, listen as God speak, he shall come in a soft voice, and the spirit shall reveal it self, don't be confuse by the script, the devil knew the bible back and forth, because you have sinned abundantly let not that hold you back, God is not looking for the save, but the one who is lost. For those things that are not abundant with God, every day you pray God will take it away, you will only know, when your desires are no more, find a quiet sanctuary and free your self from the demonic trails, find a quiet place, and God will do the rest, fear not man scorns, humble is peace, a place to think, separate your self from the earthly lust, in this menu you will begin to feel strong, and your thoughts are no longer tarnish by the liking of some, the church is the body, don't worry about buildings, Jesus walked the land, and their was no church that he stood upon, he healed the sick, and prayed for the weak, and touched the cripple, that they may walk. All those things in your life will dis appear, believe in him, and your testimony will help someone else.