Increase Exposure To Your Website For Free

When I first began attempting to make money on the internet, I fell into the trap of advertising my website with "get rich quick" promoters and products, thinking I'd get my money back immediately with their allegedly wonderful services. After wasting hundreds of dollars on marketing, I decided to take another route: I tried pay-per-click search engines and other conventional-but-expensive means of generating traffic. I never really saw any conrete results, but I continued plugging away. I talked to business owners, researched different methods, and spent even more money... until I found a few methods that worked for me and have consistantly worked to give my websites exposure. I wrote this article to give readers like you the opportunity to skip the learning curve and move to where I am now. This article will dispell the biggest misconception about marketing and will also give you information about the most effective method to build your online business.

The most common misconception about Internet marketing is that you have to pay an exorbitant amount of money just to get traffic to your website and a steady stream of customers buying your products. This isn