What is Lucid Dreams?

A lucid dream is one you dream while being aware that you are dreaming. It is like being the director of your own movie. As a rule, this awareness happens while you are in the dream and may be triggered by something the conscious mind interprets as a "strange" event. For example, you may be dreaming you are flying (which your conscious mind knows as "not possible") and while flying become aware that you are actually dreaming that you are flying. Most people who remember their dreams, and have experienced this awareness while still in the dream, often wake up shortly after the dream. It is, however, possible to stay in the dream for a long period and still be absolutely aware of the fact that you are dreaming. Are dreams able to be controlled? As a rule, you have a degree of control of the flow of events in a lucid dream. The degree of control varies from dream to dream. If you are in a lucid dream you will usually have at least some power over your dream -- anything from being a pocket in a pair of trousers, or inside that pocket, right up to being able to change into anything and create a whole new world! By practising different exercises, it is possible get better control over the events in your dreams. Lucid dreamers are in any case always capable of deciding how to react to events. For instance, you can simply decide not to run away from a terrifying figure in your dream, being fully aware that no object in your dream is able to harm you. Just this degree of control can change the dream from one where you're a helpless victim in a terrifying, frustrating or disagreeable adventure, to one where you are totally in control and perfectly happy. This gives you the ability to disconnect from the troubles in your life for a little while and enjoy the pleasure and delight of total freedom. Some people become a master of control of their dreams and so comfortable that they are able to construct their own world, living every fantasy and experience they desire. Footnote: It is interesting to note that lucid dreams have actually been scientifically proven to exist! Lucid dreamers regularly describe their dreams as exciting, colourful, and fantastic. Many compare it to a spiritual experience and say that it changed their lives or their perception of the world