What is Neurotransmitter Deficiency Disorder and How Can It Cause Depression, Anxiety, and...

Neurotransmitters (NTs) are essential chemical messengers that regulate brain, muscle, nerve and organ function. The most common NTs are serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. Low levels of these important chemicals is extremely common in the general public and is due to innumerable lifestyle, environmental, and dietary factors. This article is intended to help the reader determine whether they may be deficient in NTs and how evaluation and treatment of this disorder can help.

People with neurotransmitter deficiency disorder can suffer from one or more of the following conditions: obesity, depression, anxiety, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, insomnia, attention deficit, learning disorders, panic attacks, migraines, pms, menopausal symptoms, digestive complaints and many more.

Selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and other drugs working on the neurotransmitter biochemistry such as Prozac, Zoloft, Effexor, Celexa, Wellbutrin, etc. are currently some of the most commonly prescribed drugs. They work by artificially increasing the amount of serotonin in the synapse of the nerve which allows a temporary improvement in the chemical messaging system.

The problem with this approach is that these drugs DO NOT increase serotonin levels and in fact deplete reserves of the NT. This occurs because the SSRI class drugs cause an increase in an enzyme called MAO. It is common for people to experience only temporary improvement due to this effect.

The most effective way to correct a neurotransmitter deficiency is to perform a simple urine test to measure the NT levels. The treatment for optimizing the neurotransmitter levels is to provide the basic amino acid precursors or building blocks so the body can replenish the inadequate levels.

The true value of any treatment is the results it produces. Using this approach over the last year, I have helped coach many patients to a higher level of wellness. Patients with chronic depression, anxiety, and or insomnia have experienced a new sense of wellbeing while continuing their prescription, others have successfully weaned themselves off their prescription SSRI drugs after their symptoms have improved. Weight loss patients using slightly higher amino acid dosing consistently lose 1.5-2.5 lbs. per week without hunger while improving their lean muscle/body fat ratios.

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